I have been an anarchist and free writer since 2008. I am creative and passionate, in the sense that I believe and do not underestimate the dignity of passions.
I have been writing and trying to make a cultural revolution since 2008 with theliteraryport.
Even before Bitcoin and Qanon came to light, even then, I had started on my own cultural war, as I have always considered it, a march towards a struggle for personal awakening. A path of authentic identification, not simple or fast, fueled by life itself and the art of meeting (cit.)
I was, like many others, inspired by the film, based on the novel of Alan Moore “V for Vendetta”, and from watching that film I convinced myself that more than fighting we needed to convert people.
I don’t follow any idols or characters, but I strongly believe in the power of ideas. It is for this reason that I have chosen to remain covered by this alter ego and to become Kaan Reed in the literary dimension.
In a historical moment in which the recognition of talents and the scouting of good content seem to be over, and only the big faces that pull masses, are published, I have chosen to hide my face and I have refused several editorial offers, to remain completely free and not fall into the business model of paid publishing. My e-books are free and readable in plain text on the literaryport.
To convert it is necessary to act on the level of ideas, on the cultural level. literaryport aims to spread a counterintuitive, non-obvious, and minority narrative. I have no desire to build a character or achieve fame. Kaan Reed will remain in the shadows and will continue to spread his ideas, breathing slowly.
Little by little I saw my fiction, my writing style, at first minority, at times derided, considered bizarre, rambling, delusional, spread and be used by professionals of the pen.
My Pindaric flights of thought (which I wrote in times when no one, both in public opinion and in the counter-information circuit, proposed them), and many ideas, little by little, I saw them arrive in the mouth of professionals who, knowing my pieces – without ever mentioning me – or for other reasons, confirmed two things: the first, that what I write has a collective value and the second, which is often ahead of the times of many.
This project of mine, my blog, my writings, my free ebooks, do not want, nor can, reach everyone. There are only a few, the natural recipients of my words.
Having said that, however, you are all very welcome in my literary port to enrich each other and believe together in the meaning of life beyond roles, destinies, fears, and constrints… real ones.
If you want to contact me, write me at:
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